The Slater Memorial Museum: A Journey Through Time and Art

In the historic campus of Norwich Free Academy, the Slater Memorial Museum is a treasure trove of art and history, representing civilizations from around the globe. Established in 1886, this museum has become a must-see destination for art enthusiasts and history buffs alike. Its Romanesque Revival-style architecture, designed by Stephen Earle, is an attraction in itself, featuring stained glass windows, marble mosaics, intricate pressed brick architectural details, and exquisitely carved wood moldings.

A Diverse and Rich Collection

The Slater Memorial Museum boasts an impressive array of collections spanning five continents. Visitors can explore permanent galleries dedicated to Greek, Roman, and Italian Renaissance sculptures, a renowned plaster cast collection, African art, and works by notable Norwich and Connecticut artists from the 19th and 20th centuries.

One of the standout exhibits is the "Cast Gallery," which houses 150 full-size, accurate plaster replicas of famous classical sculptures from antiquity and the Renaissance. This unique collection allows visitors to experience some of the world's most iconic sculptures in a single room, offering a rare opportunity to appreciate these masterpieces up close.

Around the World on the Yacht Eleanor

Another fascinating exhibit is "Around the World on the Yacht Eleanor," which chronicles the 17-month voyage of the museum's founder, William Albert Slater, in 1894. This exhibit provides a glimpse into the adventures and discoveries of the Slater family as they traveled the world, bringing back artifacts and stories that enrich the museum's collection.

The Quirky and Unusual: The Mummified Human Arm

Among the many highlights of the Slater Memorial Museum, one artifact stands out for its peculiarity – the mummified human arm. Donated in the 1970s by Connecticut sculptor and art professor Peter Pellettieri, the arm is believed to have come from an Egyptian mummy. Despite its macabre appearance, the arm has become an integral part of the museum's eclectic reputation.

Museum director Vivian Zoe admits that the arm can make visitors uncomfortable, but she embraces its uniqueness. "It's definitely not a classical arm," she says, "but if it brings people in and they become fascinated, then they might look at other stuff that isn't quite so gruesome." Displayed alongside other Egyptian artifacts, the arm serves as a conversation starter and a testament to the museum's diverse and sometimes quirky collection.

Visiting Information

Admission Fees:

  • Adults: $10.00

  • Seniors: $8.00

  • Students: $8.00

  • NFA Alum, staff (and their families), and children under 12: FREE


  • Monday, Wednesday - Friday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Special Exhibitions and Events

The adjacent Converse Art Gallery hosts changing temporary exhibitions throughout the year, largely devoted to contemporary art and crafts. These exhibitions provide visitors with fresh and exciting perspectives on modern artistic expressions and complement the museum's historic collections.

Plan Your Visit

Located at 108 Crescent Street in Norwich, Connecticut, the Slater Memorial Museum is easily accessible and offers a rich and varied experience for all visitors. Whether you're an art aficionado, a history enthusiast, or simply curious about the world's cultures, the museum promises an enlightening and enjoyable visit.

Don't miss the opportunity to explore this hidden gem in Norwich and discover the stories and treasures that the Slater Memorial Museum has to offer. From its stunning architecture to its world-class collections and quirky exhibits, the museum is a testament to the enduring power of art and history.


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