The World's Tallest Uncle Sam in Danbury, Connecticut

Danbury, Connecticut, boasts a unique landmark that captures the essence of American patriotism: the World's Tallest Uncle Sam statue. This 38-foot-tall fiberglass figure, weighing 4,500 pounds, stands proudly in the parking lot of the Danbury Railway Museum, beckoning visitors with his red, white, and blue attire.

A Brief History

The journey of this giant Uncle Sam began in the 1960s when it was created for a chain of Ohio restaurants named Uncle Sam's. The restaurant chain eventually failed, and in 1971, the statue found a new home at the Danbury State Fairgrounds. For a decade, Uncle Sam greeted fairgoers until the fair's closure in 1981.

After the fairgrounds shut down, Arthur Gillette purchased the statue and moved it to the Magic Forest theme park in Lake George, New York. Here, Uncle Sam endured the harsh winters, thanks to a protective clear-coating applied in 1992. He stood as a beloved fixture of the park for 37 years.

The Return to Danbury

In late 2018, Magic Forest closed its doors, and plans were made to sell the statue to Troy, New York, the hometown of the original Uncle Sam, Samuel Wilson. However, Danbury's mayor, Mark Boughton, intervened, outbidding Troy to bring Uncle Sam back to Connecticut. The statue was transported to Danbury, where it underwent restoration funded by corporate partners and service organizations.

Initially, there were plans to position Uncle Sam near Interstate 84 to attract travelers, but these plans were ultimately abandoned. Instead, the statue was erected in the parking lot of the Danbury Railway Museum, where construction began in spring 2019. On July 25, 2019, Uncle Sam was officially dedicated, reaffirming his status as a local icon.

Danbury's Patriotic Symbol

Standing tall in the heart of Danbury, the World's Tallest Uncle Sam serves as a reminder of the city's rich history and patriotic spirit. The statue's presence at the Danbury Railway Museum not only offers a nostalgic nod to the past but also acts as a vibrant photo opportunity for visitors. Mayor Boughton's acknowledgment during the dedication ceremony that there is another similar statue elsewhere does not diminish Danbury's claim. Since the other statue stands on a platform, Danbury proudly boasts the tallest Uncle Sam standing on the ground.

Visit the Danbury Railway Museum

When you visit the Danbury Railway Museum, the first thing you'll notice is the imposing figure of Uncle Sam, keeping watch over the parking lot. The museum itself is a treasure trove of historical exhibits, showcasing the importance of railways in America's development. The presence of Uncle Sam adds a unique charm to the museum, connecting visitors to a piece of Americana that has traveled through time and across states.

Uncle Sam's return to Danbury is not just about reclaiming a statue; it's about preserving a piece of the city's identity and celebrating its place in American history. Whether you're a history buff, a patriot, or simply looking for an interesting stop on your travels, the World's Tallest Uncle Sam in Danbury, Connecticut, is a must-see landmark that encapsulates the enduring spirit of Uncle Sam and the nation he represents.


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